





第一章 总则

Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China in order to strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party over the united front work, raise the level of scientific standardization and institutionalization of the united front work, and consolidate and develop the patriotic united front。

Article 2 The united front as mentioned in these Regulations refers to the alliance of workers and peasants under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, which is based on the alliance of workers and peasants and includes all socialist workers, builders of the cause of socialism, patriots who support socialism, the reunification of the motherland and patriots committed to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。


























第二章 组织领导和职责

Article 6 Strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party over the united front work, ensure that the Party has overall command and coordinates all parties in the united front work, and ensure that the united front work always moves in the correct political direction。


第七条党中央成立统一战线工作领导小组。中央统一战线工作领导小组在中央政治局及其常委会领导下开展工作,To study and implement the CPC Central Committee's major theories, principles and policies on the united front work and the laws and regulations related to the united front work, to study and deploy, coordinate and guide, supervise and inspect,研究统一战线重大问题,向党中央提出建议。



(1) To implement the decisions, arrangements and work requirements of the Party Central Committee and the Party committees at higher levels on the united front work, guide and supervise and inspect lower-level Party organizations to do a good job of the united front work, and attach importance to strengthening the grass-roots united front work;

(2) To regularly study major issues of the united front and plan important work, and report annually to the Party Central Committee or the Party committee at the next higher level on the work of the united front;

(3) Formulate intra-party regulations, normative documents and important policies related to the united front work, promote the formulation of local regulations related to the united front work, and organize their implementation;

(四)组织开展统一战线理论方针政策的学习、研究、宣传和教育,The principles and policies of the united front theory are incorporated into the learning content of the theoretical study center group of the Party Committee and the teaching content of the Party school (administrative college), cadre college and socialist college,把统一战线工作纳入宣传工作计划,把统一战线知识纳入国民教育内容;

(5) Implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee on the construction of the united front work department and the united front cadre team, select and strengthen the leading group and the main person in charge of the United front system, and strengthen the construction of the United front cadre and talent team;

(6) To lead people's congresses, governments, CPPCC committees, supervisory commissions, courts, procuratorates, relevant people's organizations, enterprises and public institutions at the same level to do a good job in the united front work of their respective departments and units in their respective fields;


其他部门、单位的党组(党委)参照前款规定履行相应统一战线工作职责。The working committees of Central and state organs and Party organs at all levels shall, in accordance with their authorization, strengthen guidance, supervision and inspection of the united front work of Party and state organs。

各级党委(党组)主要负责人为本地区本部门本单位统一战线工作第一责任人。Members of the leading team of the Party committee (Party group) shall take the lead in studying, propagating and implementing the principles and policies of the United front theory and laws and regulations, take the lead in participating in important activities of the United front, and take the lead in making friends outside the Party。


第九条党中央以及地方党委设置统战部。The United Front Work Department is the functional department in charge of the united front work of the Party Committee. It is the staff agency, the organization and coordination agency, the specific implementation agency, and the supervision and inspection agency of the Party Committee in the united front work. It undertakes the responsibilities of understanding the situation, mastering policies, coordinating relations, arranging personnel, enhancing consensus, and strengthening unity.

(1) To carry out the Party's theories, principles, policies, decisions and arrangements for the united front work, formulate policies and plans for the united front work, request instructions, report on the united front work to the Party committee at the same level, and put forward opinions and suggestions。


(3) To be responsible for discovering, contacting and cultivating non-Party representatives, making political arrangements for non-Party representatives under the leadership of the Party Committee at the same level, and coordinating with relevant departments to make arrangements for non-Party representatives to serve in leading positions in the government, judicial organs, procuratorial organs, etc。

(4) Liaising with the democratic parties, taking the lead in coordinating the work of personages without party affiliation, supporting them in performing their duties and playing their roles, and supporting and helping them strengthen their own construction。




(8) To participate in the formulation and implementation of policies to encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public sector of the economy, and coordinate the united front work of the non-public sector of the economy。






(十四)指导下级党委统一战线工作,协助管理下一级党委统战部部长;协调政府有关部门统一战线工作,To assist in the recommendation of leading group members of ethnic and religious departments;Strengthen communication, coordination and cooperation with CPPCC organizations;Strengthen the work guidance of the counsellors' Office and the Literature and History Research Institute;Leading the party group of the Federation of Industry and Commerce,指导工商联工作;指导和管理社会主义学院;做好统一战线有关单位和团体管理工作。


第十条统一战线工作任务重的党中央以及省、市两级党委派出机关设置统一战线工作机构。乡(镇、街道)党组织应当有人员负责统一战线工作,其中统一战线工作任务重的明确专人负责。有关人民团体明确相关机构负责统一战线工作。The Party committees of institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutes with heavy tasks in the work of the united front shall set up organs for the work of the united front, and the party committees of other institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutes shall specify corresponding organs responsible for the work of the united front。统一战线工作任务重的大型国有企业党委(党组)明确机构和人员负责统一战线工作。统一战线工作任务重的其他单位党组(党委)明确相关机构负责统一战线工作。

Article 11 The minister of the United Front Work Department of the provincial and municipal Party committees is generally held by the Standing Committee of the Party Committee at the same level, the minister of the United Front work Department of the county Party Committee is held or concurrently held by the Standing Committee of the Party Committee at the same level, and the deputy minister in charge of daily work is equipped according to the regular leading cadres of the party committee departments at the same level。民族、宗教工作部门主要负责人具备条件的,可以担任同级党委统战部副部长。工商联党组书记由同级党委统战部副部长担任。高等学校党委统战部部长担任党委常委或者不设常委会的党委委员。

第三章 民主党派和无党派人士工作

Article 12 The system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China is a new type of socialist political party system with Chinese characteristics and a basic political system in China。中国共产党同各民主党派实行长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共的基本方针。

The democratic parties are close friends who accept the leadership of the Communist Party of China and work closely with it. They are good advisers, good helpers and good colleagues of the Communist Party of China, and political parties participating in the socialist movement with Chinese characteristics。

Persons without party affiliation refer to those who have not joined any political parties, have the desire and ability to participate in the discussion and administration of politics, and have made positive contributions to and certain influence on society, and their main body is intellectuals。


第十三条政党协商是中国共产党同民主党派的政治协商。无党派人士是政治协商的重要组成部分,参加政党协商。The consultation mainly includes the following contents: the formulation and revision of important documents of the national and local congresses of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee and local party committees at various levels;Proposed changes to the Constitution,有关重要法律的制定、修改建议,To formulate and amend important local laws and regulations;Candidates proposed by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the government, the leading bodies of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, chairmen of supervisory commissions, presidents of courts, and procurator-generals of procuratorates;Major issues concerning the united front and multi-party cooperation。



Article 14 The main contents of supporting the participation of democratic parties and personages without party affiliation in politics are: participation in state power, participation in consultations on important principles and policies and candidates for important leaders, participation in the management of state affairs, and participation in the formulation and implementation of state principles and policies, laws and regulations。

Leading comrades of the CPC Central Committee may, in accordance with the unified arrangements and work needs, invite leading members of the central committees of the democratic parties and representatives without party affiliation to participate in their domestic investigations and research and important foreign affairs activities。



Article 16 Party committees at all levels shall support democratic parties in strengthening their ideological and political construction, organizational construction, ability to perform their duties, style of work, and system construction, and support personages without party affiliation in strengthening their own construction。


第四章 党外知识分子工作


Party groups (Party committees) of state organs and state-owned enterprises and institutions are responsible for the work of non-Party intellectuals in their respective fields, strengthen ideological guidance, support their role, and organize non-Party intellectuals to participate in United front work and activities。


Western Returned Scholars Association (Overseas-educated Scholars Association of China) is a bridge for the Party to connect with overseas students, an assistant to do a good job of overseas students, and a home for overseas students。各省(自治区、直辖市)、副省级城市和省会城市应当建立留学人员组织。留学人员比较集中的其他城市和高等学校、科研院所等单位,可以成立留学人员组织。

Article 19 All provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government), sub-provincial cities and provincial capitals may establish fraternies for intellectuals outside the Party to provide ideological and political guidance to intellectuals outside the Party。


第五章 民族工作


Article 21 Centering on promoting national unity and improving people's livelihood, we shall promote economic and social development in minority areas and constantly meet the needs of the people of all ethnic groups for a better life。We will promote the inheritance, protection, innovation and integration of the cultures of all ethnic groups, fully promote the standard Chinese language, and respect and support the learning and use of the spoken and written languages of all ethnic minorities。大力培养民族地区各族干部,大力选拔使用少数民族干部,积极培养少数民族专业人才。


We will consolidate and develop socialist ethnic relations based on equality, solidarity, mutual assistance and harmony, and oppose all forms of ethnic discrimination and Han chauvinism and local nationalism。尊重少数民族风俗习惯,保障少数民族合法权益。依法治理民族事务,妥善处理涉及民族因素的矛盾纠纷。做好城市民族工作。

We will guard against and combat all kinds of infiltration, subversion and sabotage, violent terrorist activities, ethnic separatist activities, and religious extremist activities, and safeguard national unity, ethnic unity, and social stability。

第六章 宗教工作

Article 23 Uphold and develop the socialist theory of religion with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the orientation of religions in China, treat religions in a "guided" manner, protect legality, stop illegality, contain extremism, resist infiltration and crack down on crimes, and build positive and healthy religious relations。

Article 24: Adhere to the Party's basic policy on religious work: fully implement the Party's policy on freedom of religious belief, administer religious affairs in accordance with the law, adhere to the principle of independence and self-management, and actively guide religions to adapt to socialist society。





Article 25: Adhere to political unity and cooperation and mutual respect in belief, support religious groups in strengthening self-construction and personnel training, and consolidate and develop the patriotic united front between the Party and religious circles。


Article 26: Strengthen religious work at the grass-roots level, establish and improve religious work networks at the county (city, district, banner), township (town, street), village (community) levels, and two-level responsibility systems at the township (town, street) and village (community) levels, and establish and improve systems of responsibility at different levels, territorial management, and accountability。宗教工作任务重的乡(镇、街道),党委应当有领导干部分管宗教工作,并明确专人负责。

第七章 非公有制经济领域统一战线工作


Article 28 Comprehensively implement the principles of trust, unity, service, guidance and education, carry out in-depth education in ideals and beliefs, and guide the non-public members of the economy to be patriotic, dedicated, innovative, law-abiding, honest and contributing, and become qualified builders of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics。



Article 29 The Federation of Industry and Commerce is a people's organization and an organization of chambers of commerce under the leadership of the Party, with private enterprises and private economic personnel as the main body, and with the basic characteristics of unified work, economy and civil nature。工商联围绕促进非公有制经济健康发展和非公有制经济人士健康成长的主题履行职责、发挥作用。


The Federation of Industry and Commerce performs the duties of the business unit of the affiliated chamber of commerce, carries out ideological and political work, education and training for the members, and inspects the main person in charge of the affiliated chamber of commerce。工商联对其他以民营企业和民营经济人士为主体的行业协会商会加强联系、指导和服务。



第八章 新的社会阶层人士统一战线工作

Article 31 Persons of new social classes mainly include: managerial and technical personnel of private enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises, employees of intermediary organizations and social organizations, freelancers, and new media employees。


Article 33 Party and government departments, mass organizations and social organizations that are in close contact with the new social strata shall play their functional roles, improve their working mechanisms, coordinate closely and work together to do a good job in the united front work of the new social strata。

The Party organizations in the streets, communities, parks, and enterprises where the new social classes are located should implement the main responsibility, incorporate the united front work of the new social classes into their important work duties, and study and solve outstanding problems。

第九章 港澳台统一战线工作

Article 34 The main tasks of the United front work of Hong Kong and Macao shall be to fully and accurately implement the principles of "one country, two systems", "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong", "Macao people governing Macao" and a high degree of autonomy,坚持和完善“一国两制”制度体系,严格依照宪法和基本法办事,支持特别行政区行政长官和政府依法施政,支持港澳融入国家发展大局,发展壮大爱国爱港、爱国爱澳力量,增强香港同胞、澳门同胞国家意识和爱国精神,维护国家主权安全发展利益,维护香港、澳门长期繁荣稳定,确保“一国两制”实践行稳致远。


Article 36 Support the democratic parties and personages without Party affiliation, guide relevant people's organizations and public organizations to play their role in the work of the united front between Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan。

第十章 海外统一战线工作和侨务工作

第三十七条海外统一战线工作的主要任务是:加强思想政治引领,To enhance the love of overseas Chinese and students studying abroad for the motherland and their understanding and recognition of the CPC and socialism with Chinese characteristics;We will carry forward the fine Chinese culture,促进中外文化交流;鼓励华侨参与我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设,融入民族复兴伟业;遏制“台独”等分裂势力,维护国家核心利益;发挥促进中外友好的桥梁纽带作用,营造良好国际环境。




第十一章 党外代表人士队伍建设

Article 39 The term "non-Party representatives" refers to persons who have united and cooperated with the Communist Party of China, made considerable contributions, and have certain social influence. The criteria are political steadfastly, outstanding achievements, and public recognition。

第四十条加强党外代表人士的发现储备。We should give full play to the role of institutions of higher learning and research institutes as important bases for training and selecting non-Party representatives, and pay attention to discovering non-Party representatives from state organs, state-owned enterprises and institutions, private enterprises, people from new social classes, and people who have gone abroad and returned to study。

第四十一条坚持政治培训为主,开展对党外代表人士的理论培训。We should give full play to the role of socialist colleges as the main front for personnel education and training of the united front, attach importance to the role of party schools (administrative colleges) and cadre colleges, and make rational use of training resources such as universities。


Article 42 An appropriate proportion of non-Party deputies shall be maintained among deputies to the People's congresses at all levels, members of the Standing committees of the People's congresses, chairmen and vice-chairmen of special committees of the people's congresses, and members。全国人大常委会副委员长、县级以上地方各级人大常委会副主任中应当有适当数量的党外代表人士。




Government departments at all levels, unless there are special requirements, can actively appoint non-Party cadres to hold leading positions, focusing on administrative law enforcement supervision, closely related to the interests of the masses, and closely connected with intellectuals and professional and technical departments。





The nomination of CPPCC members at all levels should adhere to extensive consultation, the nomination of organizational departments within the Party, the nomination of non-party by the United front department, members of the democratic parties, private economic personnel should consult with the democratic parties and the Federation of industry and commerce before the nomination, and the nomination of CPPCC members from all walks of life should listen to the opinions of the CPPCC leading Party Group。The proposed list shall be summarized by the United Front department and solicited opinions from relevant parties, and shall be submitted by the organizing department to the Party Committee at the same level for examination and approval, and then handled in accordance with the procedures stipulated in the Constitution of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference。






Article 46 Qualified chairpersons of provincial democratic parties, chairmen of federations of industry and commerce, and representatives without party affiliation shall generally be appointed to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the government, and the leading groups of the CPPCC at the same level。

Except in special circumstances, non-Party deputies to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the leading groups of the CPPCC shall enjoy the same treatment as Party officials at the same level。


民营企业主要出资人并以经营管理为主要职业的,在推荐安排中应当界定为民营经济人士。Private economic personnel who are recommended as candidates for deputies to the People's Congress, members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, as well as people's organizations and social organizations such as the Federation of Industry and Commerce shall undergo comprehensive evaluation and seek opinions from relevant parties such as enterprise party organizations, party building organizations of private enterprises and local trade union organizations。

Article 48 Strengthen the management of non-Party deputies, focusing on understanding and mastering their political performance, ideological status, performance of duties, integrity and self-discipline, and changes in important personal matters, especially their political positions and attitudes on major issues of principle。

统战部门负责牵头协调党外代表人士管理工作。The relevant departments of the Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the Party groups of the CPPCC, and the party organizations of the units where the non-Party deputies are located shall each assume their responsibilities and strengthen the daily management assessment。发挥党外代表人士所在党派和团体自我管理、自我教育、自我监督的作用。

第四十九条搞好党同党外代表人士的合作共事。Adhere to the combination of collective leadership and individual division of responsibilities, and ensure that non-Party cadres enjoy the command of administrative management, the right to decide on the handling of problems, and the right to make suggestions on personnel appointment and removal。

Article 50 Party committees at all levels shall incorporate the construction of the ranks of non-Party representatives into the overall plan for the construction of the ranks of cadres and talents, and give overall consideration to non-Party cadres in the ranks of outstanding young cadres。


第十二章 统战部门自身建设



Article 53 Strengthen the Party's organizational building, implement the Party's organizational line in the new era, adhere to democratic centralism, establish and adhere to the correct selection and employment guidance, strengthen the training, exchanges and training of officials, and build a team of United front cadres who are politically firm, professionally proficient and have a strong work style。

Article 54 Strengthen the construction of the Party's style of work, resolutely correct the "four styles", practice the Party's mass line, educate and guide United front cadres to act responsibly, strengthen solidarity and ties with people outside the party, treat people outside the Party with sincerity, move emotion, understand reason, help them with reality, be sincere and humble, treat people equally, and be honest and honest。

Article 55 Strengthen the Party's discipline building, do a good job of discipline inspection and supervision, supervise and restrain United front cadres to strictly observe political discipline and political rules, and always know how to respect, fear and keep the bottom line。

第十三章 保障和监督



Article 58 Party committees (Party groups) at all levels shall implement the full responsibility of strictly governing the main body of the Party, strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of these Regulations, incorporate the implementation of these Regulations into the target management and assessment system of leading groups and leading cadres, and incorporate the scope of political inspection, supervision and discipline enforcement accountability。


第十四章 附则


